Tuesday 15 November 2016

Approaching the adult decisions

The only way I can think of clearing my head lately is to write. So are you ready for another rant post? 

Okay i've hit a metaphorical brick wall. As well as being a small amount of stress away from actually hitting my head off a wall.

I'm well into my second year of university now and it's made me think - do I even want to be doing this as a career?
I don't know if I want to pursue journalism anymore and can't think of anything that I want to start up when I finish my degree. I'm literally just carrying on my degree now because otherwise it has been a complete waste of money and unnecessary debt. So many of my family have high expectations of me now and i'm not okay with the idea of letting them down.
I'll carry it on. I'm trying my best and I will get my degree. Besides I really want to throw my cap in the air and shout "thank God that's over!"

On the same topic of university - I'm stuck on what I want to do with my living arrangements next year.
Do I stay at home? 
It's the cheaper option definitely. It means I get to see my family so I don't get FOMO (fear of missing out), I can be comfortable in a clean environment and I also get to see my Hartlepool friends. 
Although - i'm sick of getting up sooooo early to get to uni when if I lived in Sunderland i'd just be down the road. That's important especially when it's the year of my dissertation and i'm going to be spending lots of time crying in a library. I would also get my independence back and be able to see my Sunderland friends more. I guess I could learn to cope with uncleanliness again? 
My friends in Hartlepool have their own lives and I don't really have a 'friendship circle' anymore since they're all working, have partners and at uni. Then there's just me on the side lines with the occasional bitching in an inbox and offering plans that are near always declined. 
Everyone has a life now apart from me...
Oh my God - I'm Bridget Jones.

But moving away means a year later I need to come back. And i'd be coming back with all furniture from a double bedroom, en suite and kitchen - to a box bedroom, since my sister would get the bigger room from me moving away. I ain't up for that Harry Potter life.
And I definitely won't be staying at uni to do a masters since I haven't a monkeys what i'm doing with myself.

This leads me onto the "what next?" phase which is currently hurting my brain to think about.
When I leave uni and am stuck at home - what then?
I need money.

I was considering just getting a full-time job in whatever is going and save up plenty. Since i'm getting driving lessons and hopefully passing my tests by 2018 - I can put my money towards that. But then I want to move out!
What do I choose? I can put my money to lessons and driving - but not get a car and just have a license to be proud of and save to move out? Or I get a car and pay the extortionate insurance etc - and live at home, continue to feel stressed and still 15 years old.

Even if I considered moving out and just having a license - moving out and finding a house costs sooooo damn much! But I really do want my own space.

I'm really having a meltdown and I feel like no one is actually listening when I tell them and they think i'm just having a moan. I'M NOT!

Everyone knows what they want to do(or have some idea), and most have an income and are working when they can. Honestly if I had a job that took up my time I wouldn't be able to do any uni work and would probably cry - a lot. 
Majority of my friends are now all loved up. They're all moved in with partners and starting to move on with life and I am sat completely left out and spend my nights with Gossip Girl and shorthand revision.

Basically guys I just needed a rant. I'm stressed and I need a good cry and someone to sit and tell me what I'm going to do with my life. I can't do this independent thinking crap.

I'm almost 20 and I need a plan!!

Off to find a comfy pillow to cry into now - bye.

Saturday 5 November 2016

Welcome a new Amie

I came up with this post when I was laid in the bath and over thinking about my life. I was laid thinking "what am I actually doing for me?"

I stopped my YouTube channel and put my videos on private because I couldn't stand the thought that people were watching them to mock me. And I knew names of people that were.
I write (when I can) for Vlogger Gossip but that's still not for me.
I'm going to University to do a journalism degree - but I'm not even sure if I want to do journalism after I graduate. 

The only thing I have left that I let go of - is my blog. So I've returned.

I've redesigned my blog to not what I think people like to look at - but what I like to look at. Since it should be based around the writer not the audience. I'm not getting paid for this! So I hope that you guys like the new layout but if you don't - sorry but I'm not really bothered anymore!

p.s This post is going to be a long one, so go and grab a cuppa if you want to keep reading without getting bored.

I'm sat with a tab open on Chrome ready to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas - since it's November so I'm allowed to do such a thing. But oddly the title The Nightmare Before Christmas is starting to sound like a description of my life right now. 

I thought I'd give you nosy lot an insider into my life so you can have a laugh or you can relate to me if the same crap is happening to you. Also it's kind of like a diary entry for me to look back on next year and laugh at myself for being so naive. 

What's actually happened this year to make me reconsider everything? Well lets start with the nitty gritty (literally)...

I broke up with my now ex-boyfriend in May. Although this never really hurt me doing it - it seems like lately he's only just realised that I actually did break up with him and i'm not going back there. So i've had hell rain down on me and been called every name under the sun by said 'ex'. I laugh that off, because I know it's all bull. If I'm that much of a bad person pal - why did you sit outside my house in your car? Or make a 'work' instagram to contact me to unblock you? Lol go away.
I could go into the deep depths of why I did what I did and why he's such a tool - but I'm not going to give him or his mates the satisfaction. But hey lads if you're reading! Thanks for the view!

Enough with that disaster - here's another.

I thought I liked a lad. Yes that seems normal but with being in a 4 year relationship and then being able to speak to who I want again - it's pretty terrifying! I was very naive and pushed it away for a long time and never pictured myself liking anyone for a while. Yes I took the Bridget Jones idea of being a strong independent woman. But my stupid heart wanted to do otherwise. (p.s - remind self to always go with the brain over heart next time).
So yeah I thought I liked a lad, I thought he liked me too. Turned out he was the type of lad that you see all the Tumblr posts about and vow never to let yourself to be intrigued by them - oops!
This week (i'll explain why shortly) has been a huge eye opener and I've realised that "if you don't want to be in my life, then go, because I don't need you". I've turned back to my mother's stubbornness - Hi mam!
So that chapter is over, lets just rip it out the book, burn it and pretend that small period of my year did not take place. 

Another thing I discovered this year (& if the shoe fits, you can sure as hell tie up them laces) is that the whole idea of needing both parents to have a good life - is a load of crap. Apart from my Dad *grimace*, buying me and my sister Justin Bieber tickets, that's all we've had or heard of him for a year. Literally a year on the 2nd of December. And we've just found out it's going to be at least another year before he considers coming to see his kids. I mean i'd understand if we were bad kids - but we aren't. But I guess we aren't bad kids because our mam has given us the best up bringing we could have asked for and out of all the dark moments over the past 6 years - she has been our shining star. Love you mammy.
As for the other one, with my stubbornness that has set in, if he thinks he can show up November 2017 after 2 years of not seeing us: it will be a case of 'sorry but I'm not allowed to speak to strangers'.

SO.... After the rant of many men letting me down this year. What's actually been good?

Well this year I was blessed with finding who my true friends are. 
I have many little circles of friends in different places - but one of them circles is who I count as my sisters.
Zhiyin, Vicky and Tyler - hey lasses! But shout out to the girls who give me support in anything and back up my corner no matter the argument. 
Tyler is my little gem especially. It's funny that we weren't close at all in school and it was all just a smile in the corridors. But now she's my best friend. The type of best friend that tags you in every relevant post on Facebook to make you laugh. The type of best friend who throws plans at you and never lets you down. She also blessed me with asking me to be a god-mother to her beautiful little girl Harley (who I consider myself to be the baby Daddy anyway...). So shout out to my girls, my Tyler and little Harley *inserts heart emoji*.

Also shout out to Flat 90 (You know who you are), you're my homies and I look forward to driving you all mad with my cleaning again next summer. I can't wait to sit with Lauren late at night talking crap and watching strange videos - you know what I mean Gilbey! Miss you sister!

Of course this year I travelled a lot. To Benidorm to Turkey which I'm so grateful for both experiences and I loved them both. It's made me more confident that I want to go travelling (even if I get such travel sickness on planes!) 

Oh, and I seen Justin Bieber again! Oh MY WORD he was outstanding as always. After 3.5 years of seeing him for Believe Tour in Manchester, I got the chance to see him for Purpose Tour in Sheffield. Almost two weeks ago now and i'm still not over it - I don't think I ever will be. If I could afford tickets to other shows of he's I'd definitely be flying all over to see his pretty face again.

The point of this post?
Well done if you made it this far. The point is - i'm no longer taking crap off anyone. I'm entering the 'bitch' faze of my life, if you will. But i'm also returning to my blog. But it's not going to be about what my 'routines' are, because of uni I no longer have any routines. I use the same moisturiser and I paint my nails with whatever colour I find close to where i'm sat.

I hope you're ready for posts about my hangovers, about how big of a melt down i'm having over University and which person has annoyed me each week.

Bye guys, love yas x

Wednesday 14 September 2016

New Starts Scare Me!

How is it September already? and how am I going into second year of uni already?!

It's scary how fast time is going and how events in my life are flying past me without me realising.

I'm excited to start my second year of university and carry on pursuing my dream. Apart for writing lots for Vlogger Gossip, I haven't really done anything in these holidays that's productive - so i'm happy to get the ball rolling again.
I need these 7am wake ups and library trips in my life again I need some order!

Although the new year terrifies me too. The hard work cranks up a notch and I know i'm going to struggle - but this year i'll have less distractions around me with living at home, so i'll be able to do what I know I can and that's work hard.

I find nothing more relaxing that to sit in a library or quiet cafe with my earphones and notepad and doing my work - so thank god my routine will get back and feel better! Also this is the year of placements and building a portfolio which i'm so excited for.

With a new university year comes many new introductions as well as seeing old faces - I've missed my pals so much! 

It's okay though - I have bought plenty of new stationary to help me through the difficult essays i'm going to get thrown at me. Hello short hand and media law!

But this year i'm going to jump straight in and perhaps go on more adventures. Since spending a lot of time behind a computer means i'm looking at pretty views and amazing things happening on a screen instead of through my own eyes. And I need to gain the confidence to allow my converse to get dirty every now and again. 

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Holiday to Benidorm!

Hey everyone, hope you're all okay :) 

So last week I went on a trip to Benidorm for a week with my family. I thought i'd let you all know what went down...

I think the coldest it was for the week was probably 27 degrees and that was on a night! It was so hot - but with me going to Turkey not so long before the trip, I was used to the heat. And we had air con so it was all good.

We stayed at the Presidente which was okay. The pool area was lovely and we couldn't fault the food - but the hotel room itself was very basic. We just had three single beds, a bedside, a wardrobe and a bathroom. There wasn't really much room for storage and we were quite dissapointed with the lack of kettle (But don't worry - we went out and bought a kettle for 10 euros and it saved our lives haha!
But the food was lovely - and one night they served a beef dinner which I was so happy with. Nothing better than some beef, gravy and yorkshire puddings :)

We were in the centre really so we were right next door to a venue called Jokers. This was very loud on a night and our bedroom/balcony was right on the edge so when it came to peak alcohol time - we had to learn to block out the noise. We did get used to it further on in the week though.

One place I loved to visit was the 'Why Not?' it was really fun! It was a small family bar which had karaoke and cheap alcohol (which is always a bonus). I don't really know how to describe this place as it was basic but such a lovely atmosphere and great staff. I recommend it if you're looking for a quiet night.

Another day we took a trip to the beach. But this happened to be on the hottest day of the week and we only stayed 40 minutes because the sun was that hot you could feel yourself burning. Plus you had to pay for sun beds and parasols - no thank you! 
But I did go and swim in the sea and it was so refreshing. It was crazy with the water being so clear and when I had goggles on to look under the water you could see fish swimming around your feet - so surreal!

Another amazing thing we visited on the trip was Aqualandia. This place was crazy! Apart from the huge hill we had to walk up in the blazing heat - the rest of the day was great! We got in and got sunbeds to sit on to dry off and sun bathe. But the rest of the time was spent in the pools. 
I especially enjoyed a certain pool that went round in a circle that you could walk round to cool down. We kept nipping in that to cool off as it was so warm. 
I'm not big on rides but one I did go on was the rapids. They were so funny - although you do get packed on the ride with loads of other people so when you're waiting to go down to next level, there's about 10 people floating and you get packed like sardines. It was very funny though and I enjoyed being in the large rubber ring haha! I didn't take my phone on that trip though because it would be my luck to drop it with being surrounded by water :(
Also I'd like to thank Aqualandia for employing some beautiful life guards. They made the trip a lot better...

One night we went out to go see the comedian Crissy Rock and she had me almost crying with laughter. She was absolutely hilarious and said lots of jokes that you could relate too - which really helps so you aren't sat clueless! I would definitely recommend going to see her if she is ever in a place that you are or if you go to Benidorm.

I'm very pleased with myself for capturing a photo just as she looked over at us!

One of the days we went to the market where there was lots of stalls selling many items. Obviously the bags and purses weren't real - but we bought them anyway because they're cheap and who is going to see the different really unless someone approaches you and wants to check out the stitching...
We did compare the market to Scooby-Doo as once you've walked down a couple of isles the stalls begin to repeat themselves and you seem to have a lot of deja-vu. 
Here my mam kindly bought me a Michael Kors (but no Michael Kors) purse in blue and navy.
I didn't really see much else on the market so later on in the week I also got some pretty sandals and a bag to match my MK purse.

The final day we needed to kill some time so we decided to walk a lot of miles to go and visit Old Town. This place blew my mind with how beautiful it was!
It was old but looked gorgeous like something you see in a movie. And it was surrounded by beaches and the sea around it had people snorkling. It just blew my mind.

It was an amazing trip and I love my family to pieces - I love Benidorm it's so beautiful.

Here's some random pictures that I got randomly :)
Me and my uncle Col :)

Who loves a good snapchat banner by the pool? Me!

We got our feet eaten by fish! Such a crazy feeling - but surprisingly nice?

Drunken antics with my auntie and mama <3

Tuesday 16 August 2016

Starting Something New!

Hey guys, I hope you're all well...

So I have some exciting news!

I'm officially a contributor to the website VloggerGossip.

Considering I spend a lot my time watching YouTube and a lot of my time writing blog posts - how amazing is it that I've been given the opportunity to put the both together!

Vloggergossip is a website based on telling the latest news and updates in the Youtube world. It's just starting to be updated so it isn't as up to date as it will be once we get the ball rolling - but still it's all really exciting.

I write about the updates that's happening and I love it.
It offers the opportunity to get possible interviews with the people I admire, and the possibility to get sent their merch to review.

Also the good thing with this website just starting is that there's still opportunities for you to join our team. If you'd like to get involved then feel free to message me on any of my links - and i'll reply really quickly (I live on my phone). You'll be able to write about Youtubers and anything you spot that's happening in that media front.

I'm so excited for this new opportunity.

Although with working to build this website up to its best standard it means that I won't be writing a lot on my own personal blog. But you'll still be able to check out my articles over on the website.

Tuesday 2 August 2016

July Favourites! 2016


Wow it's August already can we just take a minute to wonder where this year has ran off to.

I haven't really got any new beauty favourites as I haven't had the money to go out and buy new pieces. But I have a few random things that I've liked during this month and I thought I may as well share them with you.

I got sent this product off Amie and have just completed a review on their products which I will link here!
I've loved using this product to take off my makeup and with using on mornings and evenings to tone my skin it's made my skin so soft and I haven't had any blemishes appear when its my 'time of the month'.
It's a great product and in a large bottle which makes me happy that it's going to last me a long time.
I recommend if anyone is looking for a new micellar water that is good for their skin and made from all natural ingredients then go and check it out.
I used it to remove the swatch of eye shadow I done for the item below and it removes everything perfectly.

I know this palette has been mentioned quite a lot in my blog and videos on my channel - but I've been doing a new combination of shades in there to create a rose gold which is my new gorgeous obsession.
I've been using the burnt copper(10) which is a metallic cream. I put this on the base of my eye and then I use the pink shimmer shadow called toasted almond(7) and pat this over the top of the cream and blend it in. It leaves a gorgeous rose gold shade. 
I'll show you on my eye what it looks like...

Because I went on holiday at the beginning of this month and tanned quite nicely, I haven't needed to use foundation (which has saved my skin so much!)
But I have been using my concealer under my eyes just to lighten up underneath them and it's made my face look a lot better.
It's had millions of amazing reviews but this product really is amazing. I use the fair(1) as it helps to lighten up well. I don't actually use this one to conceal any imperfections.

Clay face mask with activated charcoal. 

I got the one I use from Bodycare for under £5 and I've been enjoying using it. Although I wish it got rid of black/white heads as I have a collection on my chin and the sides of my nose :(
But when I use it, it leaves my skin feeling soft and refreshed. It washes away any impurities and cleanses your skin.
Is it odd that I love the smell? Yes maybe it is.

If someone could recommend a product that gets rid of black/white heads - please let me know!

Now for the random favourites!

The old classic movie - Three Men and a Little Lady.
Well I watched the first one 'three men and a baby' which is a classic. But I have the second film 'Three men and a little lady' on DVD so I put it on the other night and all I've wanted to do since is keep re-watching.
If you haven't seen it then you really need to - it's such a cosy film. Really funny and also has a few sad bits it (but nothing too major, you won't need any tissues I don't think).
I don't really know what to say about it without giving it away but it's based on a little girl who is brought up by 3 men. One is her biological dad and the other 2 are the other men who have helped bring her up. The mother left the baby (Mary) on the dads doorstep in the first movie and it's just a carry on. But watch it! I'm not giving it away.

A new read! - Beautiful Broken Things.
I've done a review on this book - click here!
I can't really say too much as everything to do with my opinion are over on that post.
But it's a really lovely book to read. It keeps you gripped. I read it on my holiday in a matter of a couple of days. 
I got it from WHSmith with the Zoella Book Club so it has a different cover to the original book. 

A thing I'll have to mention is my trip to Turkey. 
I don't really want to do a large post on the trip as I think it will bore you.
But basically the place was gorgeous and the weather was unreal!
I'll insert some pretty pictures here!

Also I'm going to Benidorm on the 20th of August which I'm considering vlogging! But even if I don't I'll take lots of lovely photos and make sure I dedicate a blog specifically to it.

Thanks for reading and I'll see yas soon!

Thursday 28 July 2016

AMIE Skincare review!


This post is an exciting one for me.

When I seen that there was a skincare brand called 'Amie' I was buzzing when they emailed me and said they'd like to send me some products "From Amie to Amie" How crazy?!

So I thought i'd review them for you.

They kindly sent me 2 cleansers.

Petal Perfect Gently Cleansing Micellar Water. - £4.95 for 200ml
New Leaf Deep Pore Exfoliating Treatment. - £5.95 for 100ml
You can buy them both on the Amie Skincare website and also in Waitrose.

Petal Perfect Gently Cleansing Micellar Water.

Lets start with the smell. It smells gorgeous! It includes rose petal and softening argon oil - but I think it smells like baby wipes. I honestly love the smell of Johnsons baby wipes so.

The idea that it's made from natural products and no chemicals means that all of their products are so good for your skin - and all types of skin for that matter.
It's free from:

  • Parabens,
  • Sulphates,
  • Mineral oils,
  • Petrochemicals
  • Animal extracts.
Meaning it's also suitable for vegetarians and vegans.

I use this every morning once i've washed my face and also before I put my makeup on as it's a good cleanser and toner. But I also use it to take my makeup off on a night as it's successful at remover my eye make-up. This is normally rare considering I use water proof mascara.
It makes my skin feel so soft!
I use a cotton pad, put a little on and wipe it all over my face. Even on a morning when I've already washed my face you can see any extra it's removed and its quite gross - but relieving to see that this micellar water removes any crap.

New Leaf Deep Pore Exfoliating Polish.
This product is great! You get such a large amount it's going to last so long and amazing for the price. 
Again with the natural products means that when i'm using the product I know i'm not damaging my face with chemicals. 
It smells amazing! Its mango and orange blossom - but I can predominantly smell the mango and it's so refreshing. It smells like them tiny pot apricot yoghurts you used to eat when you were little.

It says to wash over your wet face and massage in - which I do! You're left feeling so clean and smelling fabulous.
To be honest i've also been using it on my hands as the smell is so strong. I put a tiny bit on my palm and rub it in until all of the little beads disappear. If there's any left I wipe them off on a towel and my hands smell good enough to eat as well as being so soft.

I love love love Amie products ( and no i'm not bias because of the name)

With "Amie" meaning "friend" in French. Amie skincare claims that its your skins best friend.
They aren't wrong!

Thanks so much to Amie Skincare for sending these over, I've loved using them and would happily review some more from yourselves!

Thanks for reading guys - byeee!!

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Thursday 21 July 2016

7 Things I learnt in Freshers Year!


So I thought i'd start a university series over on my Youtube channel as well as my blog (so head over and please subscribe)

My first of many ideas was to list a few things that I learnt in my first year at uni that I wasn't informed on when I did my research online.
P.s - Some are in general and some are for if you move into halls of resident (which I did).

1. Becoming nocturnal isn't an option.
This is mainly for if you choose to live in halls of residence.
But it's so so difficult to try and maintain a normal sleeping pattern.
It's very different to being at home - you have the freedom to go and get food no matter what the time is, have a shower at any time (providing everyone in the halls haven't used up all the hot water) and staying up all night to binge watch new series on Netflix. 

You'll find that also you'll get woken up a lot by the slamming of doors and your flat mates being loud. It's funny when you're laid in bed and everyone is still awake and pranking each other and running around like lunatics - you can hear them every now and them stand and go "shhhhh, Amie's asleep", hahaha nope it was always too late and I was wide awake listening to people laughing.

You'll have to get used to the sound of other flats/buildings playing music until ungodly hours and people stumbling back in at 4am from a night out (this isn't so bad when you're one of the people falling through the door with a pizza).

Before you know it you'll be counting down the hours until a lecture is over and you can catch up on many hours of sleep in the afternoon - ready for the mayhem again the upcoming night.
I miss this now though. Being at home where I have to be quiet, can't eat all through the nights without a lecture off my Mam. Also when you're laid in bed and you can't sleep and you've ran out of things to watch - you can't just go next door to see one of your friends and stay up talking. I'm sure my sister would have something to say if I tried this. Although she stays up later than me now - I love my sleep more than anything.

2. The dream life of an organised student will not work.
I am one of the most organised people you'll meet. I'm a complete clean freak and love a good diary/planner or 25.

You see in the movies and online that you want this fantasy idea of:
Starting a new university, making new friends that you'll keep for life. You'll get up early at around 6-7am, have a shower, perfect your makeup and hair, dress smart every day, eat fruit and yoghurt for breakfast, have a healthy packed lunch ready for the day ahead. Go to lectures and listen intently writing lots of notes, go back to your room to copy up the notes neatly, do lots of research and get to bed by 9pm.


This really won't happen. This worked for me for 2 days, two!! And then it turned to leggings and hoodies for lectures, no make up, hair on top of my head, never eating breakfast and sometimes not even taking a notepad to a lecture and using the excuse 'it will go up online i'll just copy it when i'm back at my flat'. But that won't happen either because as soon as you enter your room and see your bed - your clothes end up all over the floor and you're in bed for the next 5 hours regretting not being productive.
How I got a 2:1 I'll never know...

Don't try and live up to any expectations. Don't put too much pressure on yourself and go at your own pace.
Oh - and a Costa a day makes your loan disapear.

3. Discount codes on takeaways are a con!
I know. There's nothing better than having money in the bank and spending it all on alcohol and pizza. But trust me - the takeaway shops also know this!

They give out lots of voucher codes to Fresher's because a lot of them have never had so much money in their bank and will blow it instantly. 

Trust me when you buy 3 takeaways a week - it all adds up and when it comes to a few weeks before your next loan day, you will regret the binge eating and living off smart price rice will be the next step.

My advice for this would be to always order in a group. More money spend means bigger discounts and split between 5 of you? Brilliant idea!
I'd say 1 a week is more than enough (I mean come on we are students and if our parents aren't cooking our food - we need someone too)
But really don't go overboard because the pennies add up so quickly and you'll wonder where the heck all your money has gone when you could have bought that Mac lipstick but you spent the money on a pizza (story of my life).

4. You can go on a night out for £10.
Yes it is possible.
It's not like going out in your home town where you need to take the equivalent of a mortgage out down the bars because drinks are so expensive.
Student nights really are cheap.
If you pre-drink hard and share taxis with people (WHO YOU KNOW! JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE 18 DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN TALK TO STRANGERS!) then you can easy have one of the best nights out.

5. PJ's are day clothes.
I judge grown adults for going to Asda in their PJ's when it's easy to shot on some clothes.
But I feel with people a student you have a leniency to be able to wear what you want.

My halls of residence had a campus shop so I always wore my pj's and hair in a towel to go grab some crisps or some toilet roll. Especially if you go in a group the attention isn't so much on you but on the group as a collective.

Obviously don't take the Michael - if you live 4 miles from a Tesco, you should probably put a bra on under your jumper.

6. Not all stationary is needed.
I read so many posts before I joined uni (I love a good list!) about what I should take and buy for uni. Some of them lists were CRAZY!

Please take into consideration that if you're doing English you probably won't need a scientific calculator or a protractor. You'll end up spending so much money on things you'll never even look at.

I bought so much stuff that I never even took out the packaging. Although I am a stationary freak. I have a box full of every coloured sticky note and highlighter - they'll probably last me until i'm 40...

If you want I can do a list of things you'll need to do journalism/english? I wouldn't do an overall list for every course because they're all so different! But if you want one of what I know them hit me up and i'll get onto it.

7. Mix & Match your outfits.
No one can afford to buy a new dress and a new pair of knock out heels for every night out - especially not as a student - unless you don't want to each that week then you go ahead.

There's so many outfit choices that you can mix and match.
Also after Fresher's week, the novelty of looking unreal wears off and you'll find yourself in a pair of skinnies and some converse. I wore this so much and trust me you're a lot comfier than the people in 6" heels. There's nothing better than being to walk at the end of the night and see people around you basically crying because their feet are dead.

So there you go guys!
I hope you enjoyed this post as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Let me know what videos you want to see in this university series

Love you all lots,

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Book Review: Beautiful Broken Things

Hey guys!

How are you all?

I've just came back from my holiday in Turkey which was so nice and hot - I will be doing a blog post on that soon.

One thing I done on holiday was a lot of sunbathing. And what better way to lay and get some tan lines than to lay in the sun with a new read.

I seen the book Beautiful Broken Things (BBT) by Sara Barnard when Zoella's Book Club was released and I was interested in reading so many of the books she mentioned. So I picked up BBT from WHSmith. You can get it as an E-book but there's something nostalgic about actually having a physical book and being able to display the pretty cover when you've read it. I've actually got quite into reading again so I will be nipping back in to get another book from the Zoella Book Club.

So, now about the book...

It's such a relaxing and easy read but contains some adult topics that could be quite inappropriate to children under 15. It does have swearing in but nothing crazy and nothing that teenagers in this modern day don't hear daily...

It's based around two best friends called Caddy and Rosie. Rosie has a new girl join her school called Suzannah and she becomes quite close to her - which consequently makes Caddy quite jealous. 
I won't go into it too much but it features topics around the teenage life such as drinking, parties, exams and most obviously - sex. It also includes the serious topic of mental health.
But it's nothing raunchy and is quite nice to read as it's what every teenage girl thinks about around the age of 15-16. About having the "perfect relationship" and finding someone significant to lose their virginity with.
It sounds weird me talking about it but it's displayed better in the book.
Book Breakdown
From the WHSmith Zoella Bookclub blog page.

Some parts of the book are quite hard hitting and it does contain a lot of drama. It's set in Brighton and included the normal public school and a private all girls school. So it opens up to a wider audience.

I think the book covers the topics such as teenage life, sex and tragic family life such as abuse - quite sensibly. It's accurate and contains small advice throughout about how to handle certain situations with regards to mental health.

It's so interesting that I couldn't put it down and did have quite a few 'laugh out loud' moments. I finished the book - which has 300 odd pages - in just 3 days and once I had finished it I was so sad that it was over.
I wasn't sad about the ending - I quite enjoyed the ending and it could lead onto a second book. But I didn't like that fact that I could no longer carry on reading.

I'd give the book an 8.5/10 and would definitely buy a book by Sara Barnard again.

So if anyone has any reading suggestions please let me know & also let me know what you thought about the book!

See you soon!

Feeling inspired!

Heeeey guys! This is going to be a rambly post so feel free to grab a cuppa. I've just been sat reading Girl Online: Going Solo b...