Thursday 14 January 2016

My Breast Reduction Story.

Hey everyone!

So as most of you will know - I had a breast reduction on the 30th of November 2015. I get a lot of questions on this topic so I thought it would be great to document my experience for anyone who thinks of going through with the same thing or are just interested in what happened. Also it will be good to look back on for myself. 

If you aren't interested - I wouldn't read any further as this may be a long one!

So I had wanted a breast reduction since I left school back in 2013. In school as far as I'm aware I had the biggest chest in my year - and no it wasn't a great title to hold. I always got so much unwanted attention off everyone I seen, from students - boys and girls, and even staff! They were always a topic of conversation and considering I wasn't that happy with then, I hated it. I'm not good with being centre of attention at any time so when it came to something I was so insecure of I wanted to curl into a ball and cry.

Don't get me wrong, I used to mock myself with my closest friends as I felt comfortable with them, but there is nothing worse than being stood speaking to a teacher and them glancing at my chest!

It's carried on since then as they've carried on growing. I had reached a 38HH before I had them chopped. I had put on so much weight with having them, I was a 8-10 clothes size in school and have went up quite a few sizes so that my body can cope with carrying such weight. With this came stretch marks on my stomach, thighs and hips. I'm still so insecure about this, especially only being 18 and not being comfortable with my body.
Obviously when I got bigger I wanted to lose weight, I tried dieting but it didn't seem to have much effect. I also joined the gym and tried my local personal trainers '6 week challenge' and I did enjoy it - but it was so painful! Not painful that the training was having an effect on my fitness, but painful because of my chest. I had to wear at least two sports bras and still they weren't sat securely. So I had to pack it all in, it was damaging my back and shoulders to the point I couldn't move.

That's when my insecurities kicked in. I was getting bigger and I couldn't physically do anything about it because of the pain my chest gave me. So I was stuck in a cycle. 

I went into the doctors when I was 17 and mentioned this to them. The topic of a breast reduction was brought up but I had to wait until I was 18 before I could have any real consultation about it. Ever since this I was determined to get one. I continued to suffer into 2015 but as I turned 18 I could finally get on track with a reduction.

I was passed over to my GP who went through a lot of the criteria which I had to fit for the NHS (National Health Service) to continue with the process. I had to realistically go through the NHS otherwise it would of been at least £5000 for the operation which me and my family certainly do not have. 

It didn't take much convincing that I wasn't happy and my request was sent off to the NHS funding along with my condition, measurements etc to see if they would help me out.

It didn't take that long before I got an appointment with a surgeon who does the procedure. There I got photos took (yes this was very strange), I had many questions asked and measurements and the surgeon basically drew my new breasts on paper and explained the procedure to me. It was all very overwhelming and scary but all I could see was the amazing outcome!

So a couple of months after being on the waiting list, I got a phone call in October time, telling me that my operation was going to be on the 30th of November. I was so excited but terrified! 

30th November 2015.
The big day.

It was the day of my operation and the wait had flew over. I was absolutely terrified as nothing like this had ever been done to me, luckily I've never had to go to hospital. My Dad had came up from Portsmouth to come support me through the whole thing with my Mam.
We drove to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Newcastle very early, like 7AM. I sat with numbing cream on my hands with plasters over as I knew I was going to be getting all sorts of needles in my hands and I'm not good with needles.

We arrived and in literally five minutes, the nurse came and took me away from my parents and I got very emotional as well as my Mam. It went all very real by this point and I realised I'm actually 18 so I'll be doing it on my own. Toughen up Amie! 

Luckily the nurses were lovely and helped me through it all. I was sat in a little room with my over-night bag and filled out a hell of a lot of paperwork. Got asked a variety of questions by the nurses and the anaesthetist. The anaesthetist requested that my bloods be taken - which terrified me because I normally have to hold my Mam's hand! But I was a brave girl and didn't flinch - woohoo!

Then the surgeon came in and I was basically used as a drawing board. He used purple marker all over my chest, drawing where he would be cutting. This was actually more painful than the operation!

After the operation.
Nothing else really happened the day before apart from I got changed into a gross gown and was whisked off to theatre - I don't remember much. 
The operation was around 4 hours and I as I wasn't doing well with the anaesthetic, I was in recover for around 3 hours too - I was way too hot, literally dripping with sweat and constantly throwing up - which hurt so much.

I was eventually took to my own private room and put into bed where I could sleep lots.  I had all sorts of tubes running through my hand and at one point I remember having oxygen in my nose tube thing. 
I kept being sick but I was given anti-sickness into my drip so that I wasn't throwing up as much.

I wasn't so bad, I left the hospital the day after and spent a few days at home on the sofa having my Mam run around after me (I literally couldn't have done it without her!)
I had a quick recovery though, I was up and about in no time and was on minimal painkillers, nothing extreme.

The most awkward part was going to the toilet as it hurt getting up and down. Also with regards to having a bath - I had to sit in with water up to my waist and keep my chest completely dry. I had to wash my hair by sticking my head over the bath - which also really hurt!
It's a good job me and my Mam are close, she had to bath me, dry me and dress me at the beginning. But she was amazing and I can't thank her enough.

The first time getting my dressings changed, which was around a month after my operation - was horrific. It hurt to much because it's literally taking plasters off my wounds and it felt like ripping. My breasts didn't really look too great at this point. Very bruised and swolen.

Now (13/01/16)
I'm honestly doing great! I'm in sports bras until February but it's a lot better than the bra the hospital supplied.
I'm not in any pain and had rarely any problems. The only problem is the skin is so thin and still very tender. Although I still have feeling in my nipples which is great it means I still have 60% chance of breast feeding when I'm older.

I'm so happy with how they look, the scarring is minimal (obviously I can't show you!) and with a lot of Bio-Oil I'm sure I'll be looking great around my chest for the summer bikinis.

I can't wait to slowly ease myself into exercising so that I get the summer body for my holidays in July.

I even fit into sizes a lot smaller than before and my body is a lot more in proportion. I'm a lot more confident and so many people tell me they see the difference in my personality, this makes me so happy!

If you have any questions on anything you can comment below or even email me if it's a little more personal.
If you're thinking of getting it done but a little unsure, I'd definitely push you towards it. It's cringey but it does actually change your life.

It's such a small amount of pain, a short recovery for long term happiness.

I hope this helped a couple of you out if you're thinking of getting it done.
Well done if you made it to the end of the post!

See you soon!!
Amie xx

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