Thursday 19 May 2016

Finishing My First Year At University!

Hi everyone!

I haven't spoken to you all in so long, with finishing my first year it means I've had uncountable assignments which have knocked me so close to the edge.

But I'm back!

Before I get back on track with my posts, I thought I'd do an update on what happened this year - in case anyone is starting university in September and want to know a bit more about it goes down.

So as some of you will know, I studied Magazine Journalism at Sunderland Uni. My first year has just finished and it hasn't been as hard as I thought it would have been - let's hope I've worked hard enough.

I've made some incredible friends. There's the friends who you see now and then but are always greeted with a smile and a "hey", there's the regular drinkers who you see on a night out and are greeted with a cuddle and dancing. 
Lastly there's the ones that you've grown up with. Although it's only been 9 months, everyone has changed so much and came out of their shells. It's crazy because you don't even realise it happens but all of a sudden you have your really close friendship circles.
I know that I'll end up being friends with them for a very long time, not just for the next 2 years of uni. 

My flat mates are my home away from home. Over the past couple of months I have been at my actual home in Hartlepool a lot more, purely because with the stress of assignments I prefer my own environment and my home town makes me so relaxed. But when I am at Sunderland I love spending time with them. We have had a handful of fallouts - all for stupid reasons but we always end up making up and completely forgetting anything that's happened. That's how it should be, at the end of the day you have to live with them so what's the point in falling out and having to avoid each other? That's soooo much more effort than making up.
I'm able to talk to them about anything and they can tell me anything.
p.s - Hi guys if you're reading this, I love you x

For you guys who might be joining uni soon - don't worry about making friends. I panicked so much about making friends when I started. But you make them and you don't even realise. There isn't really any effort. If you are staying in halls like I did, you're surrounded by people who are all in the same boat. Even saying hello or smiling to people who walk past you is a great start.
 Honestly there's so much stigma about "will people like me?" but yes, yes they will. I'm friends with a complete mix of people. I don't know how we met, but I regret nothing.

Passion on a Monday.
Play Wednesday!
IndieP on Friday!

With regards to university itself - it was amazing. If you want a blog on my course (if you're interested) let me know. 

The night life was amazing, all thanks to Stephen Gatsby, Harry Play, Sam Evans and Tom Box. Play Wednesdays and 21st Century Box Fridays - are the shiz. 
I didn't go out every week because when I did go out I would appreciate it more. But yeah it was such an amazing experience, filled with so many friendly people and cheap drink!
Plus who can go wrong with winning free stuff?
So I owe these guys a big thanks for making my Fresher's year a blast.

This year has went SO quickly it feels like last week I was in Fresher's week dressed as a zebra. I wouldn't change anything.

Guys if you're going to become a fresher - I highly recommend that you put yourself out there with people, don't be shy. You don't need to be. 

I've loved my first year - here's to the next two!


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Feeling inspired!

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