Thursday 19 November 2015

Life Update: November 15.

Hey guys, so a lot has gone on lately and instead of doing a ‘past Halloween but not quite Christmas’ post, I thought I’d give you all an update on what’s been going on with me. If that would bore you then don’t read any further. But if you’re nosy like me, carry on!

University life.
So as most of you will know, I started Sunderland Uni in September and I’m studying magazine journalism for three years. So far it’s been okay I guess. I’m not loving my course, but I guess they have to get through all the nitty gritty things like lectures on apostrophes before we get onto the actual journalism.

I was considering changing my course to something more academic that would be easier to just sit with text books and learn like at A-Levels. But unfortunately the only thing that would interest me would be sociology or geography. But with sociology I don’t really like any of the careers that come after it – I really can’t see myself as a police woman. I loved geography throughout school and took it at A-Level, but Sunderland don’t do it as a degree course unless it’s something to do with tourism and that isn’t me either. So I think I’ll stick journalism out – since writing is me.

I write for one of the Universities media platforms called Northern Lights. So far I’ve done reviews on things like Username Evie by Joe Sugg, Girl Online On Tour by Zoe Sugg, Purpose Album by Justin Bieber etc.

I’m loving living in halls. Moving away from home is such an experience. I miss home so bad. I miss my family, Luke and Zhiyin like crazy. But it’s really helped me realise who my real friends are, who is bothered and who isn’t.
My Uni friends are practically my family away from home. I get so excited to come back to my flat to see them. There’s seven of us in the flat - 3 boys 4 girls and everyone is very different from each other. There's Lauren, Sam, Jess, Katie, Ross and Steven! (Hey guys, I know you'll be reading!)
People are right when they say you’ll get your closest friends at Uni, as I already can tell who are going to be there for me for a long time, like I am with them.
A lot of people who I’ve met in this time have quickly went from being close friends to just people I wave at when I see them – which is sad, I know with a few if I needed them they’d be there, but I think with others I was just there as a friend before they found better ones, or worse – opinions vary.

I’m used to being independent now I guess, I mean I’m struggling with money and I’m living off beans and supernoodles – but that’s all part of being a student right?
I know I always have my family who help with a lot of my problems and are more than happy to help out if I need anything.
I love being able to go into the kitchen freely at 2am and get food, which I can’t do at home without my mam questioning me (Hi mam! I know you’re reading this too!)
I love how I can go out at random times at night for no reason what so ever – for example getting the metro train to McDonalds because, well, it’s McDonalds…
I’m getting better at cooking too! I’ve made a Sunday dinner (on a Thursday) with Ross for the rest of the flat mates which went down a treat. I also made 6 servings of meatball bolognaise and pasta, which everyone enjoyed and completely cleared their plates!

The social life is great too. Twisted Mondays, Play Wednesdays and 21st Century Box Fridays are the main student nights. I rarely go out to be honest, mainly because on Tuesdays and Thursdays I start at 9am and that’s very risky sitting in lectures that early when you’re severely hungover.
There’s been a lot of cool theme nights though. I’ve been out at Halloween on the PLAY pub crawl (which was insane), and there’s also the Disney night coming up. Our flat went out as the Peter Pan crew – I was Wendy Darling, so there was Pan, Wendy, Hook, Sme and Tiger Lilly. It was so fun and we all looked great!

So, the past couple of months I’ve been pleading back and forth with the NHS about getting a breast reduction. This finally got accepted and the date of my operation is the 30th November – which is in two weeks!
This is such a big thing for me as I’ve been uncomfortable in my body for such a long time. I’m always in pain and they don’t suit me (I don’t think), and I just hate being so big. They completely limit me. I can’t do the exercise which I love, I can’t get fit so I completely hate my body. I especially hate the unwanted attention I get with them, even when people don’t think I realise – yes I see you looking! As much as people say ‘your body is fine’ and ‘you’re skinny!’, to me I’m not. If I’m not happy then that’s the problem.

After the operation and the weeks of recovery over the winter, I’m so excited for the new year of 2016 to be able to change the way I live.
I won’t be limited in my activities so I plan on getting fit, losing weight and toning up my body. I want to be happy in myself – I think if I get to look the way I want and be able to smile when I look in a mirror and wear nice, well-fitted clothes, I’ll be a lot more productive with the work I do and a lot happier when I go out with friends on nights out etc.
I’m so excited for little things like being able to sit straight. Or buy nice underwear sets instead of wearing ugly bras that are £15 a pop!

So as most of you will know - I love Joe Sugg. Luckily last month I met him! I waited 7 hours to see him for 20 seconds but it was the best 20 seconds of my life! 
He remembered who I was, knew my name and said he knew my twitter - which is so crazy that I still don't understand it.
Username Evie is an amazing book (read my review), but having a one that he gave and signed for me personally is unbelievable.
It still doesn't feel like it happened, he held my waist in photos (fan-girl), I held his too - although I don't remember doing so, it must have been my subconscious tell me we're meant to be... 
I'll just insert photos here.

I’ll keep everyone updated on my recovery, as being bed bound will be a benefit when it comes to doing Uni work and writing blogs.

Thank you all for reading – this may have bored you to be honest. But I always like to hear about how people’s lives are going so you might be interested in mine.

Let me know in the comments or message me on my social medias if you’d like to see a particular post on my blog over the Christmas period.

Love you all,

Amie XX


  1. Lovely post, Amie! I'm planning to do a life update on my blog in the near future. This gave me a bunch of ideas. Glad you found your closest friends! xx

    1. Only just seen this sorry! Yeah this post was great fun, a chance to explain a lot of things I wouldn't usually!! Glad you liked it xx


Feeling inspired!

Heeeey guys! This is going to be a rambly post so feel free to grab a cuppa. I've just been sat reading Girl Online: Going Solo b...