Monday, 19 October 2015

Collective Haul!

Hey guys! 

I haven't uploaded in a while since Uni is now in full swings and deadlines are not nice.

I've been shopping quite a lot this last month so instead of doing separate posts of what I've bought, I've decided i'll do a collective haul!
These items are from the Student Lock In and various shopping trips.

Apologies in advance for the change of lighting in photos, they've all been taken at different times...


This beautiful dark green skirt is from New Look which I got in the sale for £10 I think?
 It's got silver buttons down the front and a belt can be worn as it has the loops for one.
 I loved this I thought it was different and would go well with perhaps a turtle neck in the cold months.
 I'm yet to wear this as I don't know what to match it with so any suggestions would be great!

This gorgeous shirt is a gold shimmery colour and reminds me of the dolly's grandparents put on coffee tables- haha!
This cost be £8 (I think) in the sale at New Look.
It's such a lovely fabric and is very comfortable! I dress this with some black jeans and black boots, it's great for the upcoming festive season!

I bought this long white tee from Select in the Student Lock In. 
I've forgotten how much this was but I know it was less than £10.
 It goes down to the back of my thighs and has a slit up the side.
 I love the design on the front reading: I'm only ever going to be me and I won't change for anyone or anything so accept it: FLAWLESS
It's such a meaningful quote placed on a casual shirt so it adds a little attitude to my outfits.
 I wear this with black leggings or black jeans and usually white converse.

I needed some new tights so I got these 50 denier tights from New Look for £4.99 but I got 10% off with student discount. 
These were so comfy but recently they got ladders in so I need to buy some more.

These were from New Look for £1 in the sale.
 I had to get them because they're so cute! 


On the Student Lock In I went into Lush as they were doing a deal that if you spent £10 you got a free goodie bag! 
So I bought the bath bomb Twilight as I seen it in the tester bowl and it looked amazing! I keep forgetting to bring it back home with me so I can use it - as I only have a shower in my student room. 
I also bought the Bubblegum Lip Scrub which I've heard many people rave about so thought i'd give it a go, especially as the cold weather makes my lips go horrible so i'll see if it helps.
I also bought myself the Dirty Springwash Shower gel for my shower. Although it smells really nice, I find it quite sickly as the smell is so strong. It's like a potent peppermint smell, like i'm washing myself in toothpaste... but it's okay and i'm sure i'll keep using it.
In the Goodie Bag I received: Fair Trade Foot Scrub - Which I haven't used yet.
Miranda Soap Bar - I haven't opened this yet as I have the new Zoella Soap Bar which I use at the minute.
Lastly I got the cute Against Animal Testing badge which is great! 

I got this Collection Nude Palette: Eyes Uncovered. 
The colours are beautiful and glittery, i'm looking forward to using this as I have a smoky eye palette but not a nude palette! 
This was less than £4 from Boots.

In the Student Lock In I went into Debenhams to the Benefit counter to have a look at this Hoola bronzer. I have seen so many people use this and rave about it so I thought i'd give it a go.
 It was around £20 which I thought i'd never spend on a make-up item but I thought i'd treat myself and this could be the one I use on special occasions. 
It's so lovely and is very pigmented. It's great for contouring the cheeks too it really defines the cheek bones.

I bought this Pro:Voke Touch of Silver colour care shampoo from Boots as I have recently had all my hair shopped off and got a full head of blonde highlights.
 I've heard that this shampoo is really good for enhancing the blonde which is brilliant as i'd love to go lighter eventually! 
This was less than £3!

I seen that Zoella brought out new products in her range and once I seen this product I was so excited! 
As i'm in student halls I can't light candles - which kills me because I love candles especially in the autumn/winter months.
 Although a reed diffuser I can use!
I haven't opened it yet as i've just had it delivered but I think it's going to smell like her first range of products - which is really nice.
 It's going to make my room smell so cosy!
I got this from Boots for £10 and it's definitely worth that, the packaging is so lovely and unique, it definitely suits Zoella.

In the Student Lock In I went slightly crazy in the Disney Store!
I've always wanted a Disney teddy so when I seen the selection I had to chose very carefully. 
I decided to get Dumbo as he was always my favourite when I was a little girl, to the point that I watched it that much the video cassette broke! That little fella cost me £20 but it was so worth it! He's gorgeous!
I have a mild obsession with mugs also so I felt like crying when I seen all the really lovely ones! I decided to get the Wall-e character Eva (If that's how you spell it) as she was so cute and the cup will fit a good hot chocolate in! 
She cost me £9-£10.
As it was the Student Lock In, they had an offer on that if you spent £30 and went to the till, the first 20 people to say Mickey Mouse got a free gift. So of course I said it and won a pack of Inside Out sticky notes. They're so cute! All in different shapes and sizes - and you know how I feel about stationary!
My boyfriend also bought me the Sulley teddy from Monster Inc and he's adorable! 
I am not ashamed of my Disney obsession - okay?

I hope you guys liked this post!
I've been spending so much money on new things at uni and i'm loving it.
Halloween is coming up soon so look forward to a themed blog post!!


Thursday, 1 October 2015

EXCLUSIVE: Interview with Josh Daniel

EXCUSIVE: Josh Daniel Interview!

Josh Daniel, 21, from Billingham, made his appearance on the X-Factor weeks ago and made it through to Boot Camp after stunning both the audience and the judges!

As Josh is from the North-East like myself, I thought it would be a great idea to ask him a few questions about the X-Factor and get some advice for you guys who may be interested in the music career. I messaged him some questions and amazingly he replied! So here is my exclusive interview with Josh Daniel!

A: When did your passion for singing and performing begin?
J: My passion for singing and performing really came the first time I stood on a stage in secondary school! I hadn't previously realised I could sing and I think that feeling of a crowd appreciating what you do is infectious I loved it ever since! I was always musical from young playing violin, piano and guitar but I didn't sing a note till I was about 15!

A: When you auditioned on the X-Factor, did you ever expect the reaction you received?
J: Of course I never imagined that I would get the reaction I have had! I’ve always been lacking in self-belief and never really thought I could be good enough to go far in the show and I think the response has just been the biggest confidence boost in the world. It’s so heart-warming to have worldwide support for your dream and for so many people to relate to how I sang the song. The judges getting emotional I think was overwhelming on the day, because I got lost in the song and didn't really notice what was going on, as soon as I stopped and came back into the room I was like... oh!

A: How are you dealing with the spotlight you now have after the amazing performance? Being noticed by celebrities and people from all over the world must be insane!
J: Yeah I mean the spotlight is always something that you are kind of signing up for by entering one of these shows, and even though I thought I knew exactly what to expect you can multiply the pressure by 10 in reality. It’s brilliant though, getting recognised and being able to interact with fans face to face and online is the best feeling, they are always the most important because fans drive your career and without them you can’t succeed. Labrinth, Paloma, Chris Brown etc. are all massive role models to me in the industry and for them to be talking about me and promoting my music is an absolute dream come true I honestly couldn't ask for any more.

A: Being from a small North East town like myself, what advice would you give to people who would want to pursue singing as a career but believe there’s no opportunities? How did you put yourself out there?
J: Advice wise I would say never give up, and it’s a cliché thing to say... But it’s true. Never say no to any opportunities even if it appears that it may not directly benefit you because you never know who is going to be watching, or what other doors may open. If you want the dream bad enough, work for it. Because when you become a big household name in the industry it only gets harder, being a local performer is always a test of whether you can deal with the pressures on a much smaller scale. It’s equally as important to stand out, because the music industry is heavily overcrowded and if you do the same thing as 500 other people can do in the UK then you are much less likely to attract the attention of big companies. I put myself out there with talent competitions and open mic nights initially, and then started to play in the odd pub and word starts to travel fairly quickly to be fair! Once you have impressed a venue they always tend to have you back, and everywhere is dying for live music!

A: How do you prepare yourself before performing, do you have any little warm up routines?
J: Before I perform I always tend to go quiet, it’s the way I deal with my nerves, just slow deep breaths and get my head in the game. People always ask me if I’m alright because it appears as though I’m upset or in deep thought but I just like to compose myself!

A: Before you auditioned for the X-Factor, which judge did you have in mind which you would like as your mentor, and why?
J: I never really had an ideal judge in mind! I saw it as a blessing to be mentored by any one of them so I just went in with an open mind. Nick and Cheryl understood me from the get go, and of course I had a connection with Simon too. Rita wasn't actually there at my first audition but I was still feeling fairly happy that none of the judges disliked me moving forward. It would be a nightmare getting mentored by someone who didn't particularly enjoy your audition!


We've seen Josh perform a few times now in front of the judges and he has been amazing every time!

Wishing Josh the best of luck, he is going to go so far in the competition, we can all see that...


Feeling inspired!

Heeeey guys! This is going to be a rambly post so feel free to grab a cuppa. I've just been sat reading Girl Online: Going Solo b...