Monday 30 March 2015



This adorable vintage cafe sits on York Road, Hartlepool. Jeni Hart is the owner and she is a very friendly lady who’s best interest is the customers. Everything on the menu comes from local produce so it is very fresh and they also serve gluten-free desserts! The décor inside is vintage with shabby chic tables and chairs, based around the soothing colours of white and navy blue. This venue is not only a tea room but an internet cafe too. You are given the Wi-Fi password, which is always a bonus, and is a lovely and peaceful place to sit and get on with your work, either with your pen and paper or your laptop. Phone chargers are also available upon request!
Tuna & cucumber sandwich with a Yorkshire tea.

It’s a quaint cafe that offers up to 20 different flavours/types of tea, which vary from Green tea, to Japanese to my favourite, Yorkshire. Tea is served in a tea pot with a vintage strainer as well as a dainty china tea cup and saucer. On each table is brown and white sugar cubes to use if you take it in your tea/coffee. They serve varieties of drinks from fizzy in stylish glass bottles, to fresh milkshakes that come in small milk bottles! They have a variety of foods on their menu from Panini’s and sandwiches’ to scones and slabs of cake, which are all very delicious!
Afternoon Tea
My personal favourite is the Cream Tea, which consists of any choice of tea (mine always being Yorkshire) and either a cheese or fruit scone. A cheese scone is served with butter but my preference is the fruit scone which is assisted by a pot of fresh jam and clotted cream! It’s absolutely delicious.
I often go to complete my college work as it as a lovely environment which is relaxing but yet not too silent. Although you can actually pre-book tables by contacting Jeni (I will attach details below to contact). I did this for my 18th birthday were I organised a group of my friends to meet up for afternoon tea, which was a great treat! The tables and chairs were moved to ensure we were together and comfortable.

As well as being a tea room, it also hosts gamer’s nights and it’s named ‘Gamers-At-Hart’ it hosts events on evenings and during the day for families. It includes a variety of fun games for all ages, a mix of board games, modern and retro games, collectible card games, miniature and war games! It’s a one of its kind and draws a great crowd!

Inside the cafe they sell games related to the above as well as special teabags and food items. All for cheap too! You can buy any flavoured tea in different forms and also strainers. 

Their online Facebook rating is 5 stars and it’s well deserved! I’d highly recommend it to anyone of any age as it doesn't exclude anyone. You can contact Jeni through the Facebook page Tea-at-Hart or by the mobile number 07981227669 to make reservations or queries. The gamer’s page is Gamers-At-Hart which you can also contact her on. It’s located at 102 York Road, Hartlepool and its right outside the main bus stops!
I highly recommend visiting the tea room, it’s a lovely environment and scrumptious food! I hope you enjoyed the blog, now go on over and give their Facebook page a like to join the 700 that already enjoy the place!
DISCLAIMER: This review is purely my own opinion, I was not paid to write this article!

March Favourites.

So I've recently moved house and finally got WIFI! Thank goodness it's been torture wanting to write and not being able to upload!

I've decided i'm going to upload every Friday for definite as long as I don't get writers block.
This post will be the items I've bought/received and loved this past month!

The big thing this month was my new bedroom, which is based on what I love; flowers, Yankee candles and fluffy pillows! I have a posh slidey wardrobe, which is only so great because I can hide all my stuff in it! I'm also so happy that fact I have a proper window. Yes this sounds so silly but in my old house I was in the loft to my window was pointless really. So yeah my own room, own personal space! I'll do a blog post soon on a room tour if you's would like?

I also went halfs with my Mam and got a new HP laptop, which is so much better than my Acer Chromebook, although I'll miss having a little one I can travel with, i'm sure once I find a fancy laptop bag i'll be back to travelling and writing in cafe's. Its purple, which is my favourite colour and will be perfect for when I start University in September.


Beauty related I thought i'd splash out with my birthday money and buy a Real Technique Face Expert brush. WOW. I'm in love with it. It's so soft and easy to clean. It does my foundation perfectly and I feel a lot more confident knowing it is good quality. I'm now slightly addicted and wondering which brush I should try next! I'd love some recommendations off you guys of the next brush I should get or even a brand that does good make-up brushes that aren't expensive.
Leave me a comment below!

I'm in love with the Rimmel London Kate Spring lipstick collection, so I thought i'd treat myself and bought a lovely nude number '03' it's the first nude I've bought and I love it, it gives the
matte finish and is so soft on the lips. But I'm devastated as I dropped it on the floor the day after I bought it and now the tip is broken which really irritates me! Although it is an excuse to buy a new one!


I also purchased the Garnier Pure Active Micellar Cleansing Water. It removes make up, cleanses and purifies. It's amazing, I use it to remove my make up, it comes off easily and even removes my eye make up such as mascara and eye liner. I simply apply it to a cotton pad and rub it across my skin and it does the job perfectly. It doesn't leave your skin rough or patchy and is for sensitive skin which is great!

I'm obsessed with the Rimmel London Stay Matte powder. I use the shade 005 which is Silky Beige. Its so soft on your skin and covers my foundation lovely, it takes the shine off my face as my moisturiser I use often gives me a shine. So many people have recommended this in videos and blogs so I took a dive, bought it and i'll now continue to buy it as its beautiful.

For my eyebrows, I use the Soap and Glory Archery Pen which has two sides. One end is a crayon and the other is a pen, so it's up to the user on their preference, I tend to use the crayon end as the pen end doesn't seem to show very well as my foundation and powder seems to dry it up? Don't know if that's meant to happen but it does. Yeah I love that it isn't too dark or too light. It comes in two shades, one for blondes and one for brunettes but yet the brunette one isn't insanely dark which is good as my hair colour is like a light brown so I didn't want to end up with black eyebrows!

Lastly, I went to Newcastle and because were I live doesn't have a Lush Cosmetics store, I thought i'd grab a couple of the popular bath bombs to try out for myself, so I got Dragon's egg which I know everyone rates as it's the one that has loads of colour when you put it in the bath, which i'm so excited for! I also got the Sex Bomb as it looked so pretty (no, not because of the name!), so I'm excited to try that one too.

Clothing wise, I spent a lot of my birthday money on clothes, especially leggings as I have a little obsession with them oops. They're all from New Look as they do student discount as well as having a sale on so that was just a 'I have to go to New Look' debate. I got a pair of grey and black print leggings which are quite thick but not itchy, they aren't too tight and have a fold at the bottom which is nice. They're so comfy and go with near enough everything. I wear them with my white converse and my other new item which is a cream jumper-thing also from, New Look. Its so soft and feels lovely on your skin. It isn't see through so you can't see your bra underneath although if you want to wear a vest top underneath it doesn't show. I adore this outfit and wear it with my tartan scarf and a satchel and I'd probably say that's my outfit of the month!

My favourite TV Series of the month has to be The Walking Dead, I've watched every single one and I absolutely love them, I hate waiting every week for a new episode, I'm way too impatient for my own good! But yeah, it's something I never thought I'd like but turns out I love it, its quite gory but I know it's obviously fake so it doesn't bother me. I love each character (out of the main group) in their own way and I won't give any spoilers but IT'S GETTING SO TENSE!!

I've also started watching PLL, I'm still only on the first series as I need to get Netflix back, but I'm loving it so far, even though its torture when everyone all over twitter is talking about A and all these stories lines and I'm nowhere near caught up :(

There you go there's my first Monthly faves, if you'd like to see more of these comment below! Also feel free to comment alternatives to make-up, skincare etc as I love trying new things! Thanks so much for reading!

Amie xx

DISCLAIMER: These opinions are my own personal opinions, I am not sponsored and do not get paid for writing this, they are just my own views!

Thursday 5 March 2015

Choosing What To Do With Your Future...

Sorry I haven't posted in quite a while, i'm in the middle of moving house so our wifi has been cut off so i'm having to resort to college and internet cafe's to do my work!

Recently I've had a change in direction with what I want to do with myself. Originally I wanted to go with Primary Teaching in University but then I started second guessing myself and thought I wasn't capable of achieving what I needed to pursue that, basically I chickened out. So I cancelled my UCAS and decided that i'd look for an apprenticeship or even a full time job once I leave college.

But now I've went back to my original idea of journalism, which I did want to do ever since I was young I don't really know why I changed my mind to primary teaching as creative writing is definitely for me!
I'm now applying through UCAS extra and going for magazine journalism and I have never been so excited!

So enough about me, I thought i'd do a small section on what you can do with yourself, either if you're due to finish your GCSE's or finish your A Levels, remember that the world is so big and full of so many opportunities now compared to what there used to be, that the world is literally your oyster and you should never be stuck for options.

Finishing GCSE's.
Finishing your GCSE's is such an important time, but also a very stressful one! But don't worry, if you don't think you have done very well with your exams, its not the end of the world! 
You can resit your exams in college which is a very popular option, or sometimes colleges accept that you may have struggled and help you to pursue what you want to do regardless of your results, as A-Levels aren't always the next option.

Of course you can do what a lot of people do and go onto college and Further Education to do A-Levels, which can eventually get you into University, but that's not the only option.
  • There's more practical choices like going into apprenticeships, which are basically courses which you get paid to do and you finish in a year or two with money and you gain qualifications from it. If you do really well in the apprenticeship they can often keep you on for full-time employment, which is brilliant if you love what you've been doing!
  • Of course if you're wanting to finish and go straight for the money option then that's fine too, there's often part-time jobs which you can apply for, given that you have a good CV and an idea on what you want to do, although you can job hop to find what job best suits you, which is exactly what I did when I left school! Nothing stops you from going into employment if you go for A-Levels but you have to be aware that they're a lot more intense than what your GCSE's were and you should only do minimum hours in a job so that you can keep on track with your college work!

Finishing A-Levels.
Now this is where it gets a little more serious, because before hand you could push off the idea that you don't know what to do 'when you get bigger'. By now you should sort of have a mild idea on what you want to be or do!

  • There's the option that most people go for, and that's applying for UCAS (during college years) and going to University. Now this can be a scary idea as a lot of people think 'It's really expensive', 'I'll end up with loads of debt' 'is it worth it?' 'what if I don't want to do anything with the course once I finish University' well... University may look really expensive as all you see is the ££££ when you apply, but you don't have to pay upfront and you actually don't have to start paying any of it back until you earn over £21,000 and still then they only take small percentages monthly, so you won't end up with no money! I'd say University is worth it and I haven't got there yet! It's were you meet the people who you will be friends with for the rest of your life! It's such a huge adventure and you will grow so much independence, that's what I'm excited for, being able to grow and come home and not rely on my Mam any more! Also if you don't want to do anything related to your chosen course once you finish, it still looks awesome to any employer to say you have a degree in the first place! I'm quite sad in the way of I'm really excited for my own little room and desk and new stationary because what's not to love about new stationary?!
  • Then there's the option of full-time employment. With your A-Levels its pretty easy to get a full-time job now! So get yourself on the job websites and explore what you'd like to do! Often they look for experience so you could volunteer at many places or get a small job first just to get some experience behind you.
  • Apprenticeships are very popular, they're found in nearly every industry and every part of the country, its just a case of finding them! Make sure on the Apprenticeship website that you put up a strong CV/Profile about yourself so the employers know what you're about!

So remember guys, if you don't know what you want to do, it's not the end of the world, I'm sure adults with families and full time jobs may not even enjoy their job, so make sure you get one that best suits you because you always work better when you enjoy what you're doing!
For me it's a case of trying to find work experience to help me with my Uni choice!
Never give up guys, there's definitely something for you out there!

I hope you like this post, it's abit different but something I know quite a lot about!
Feel free to leave comments if you have any questions or need any help!
Good luck with your futures!!


Feeling inspired!

Heeeey guys! This is going to be a rambly post so feel free to grab a cuppa. I've just been sat reading Girl Online: Going Solo b...