Friday 24 July 2015

25 Facts About Me!


So I seen this tag done on Youtube by Bailey over on StyleDeputy and thought i'd give it a go! I recommend her channel she is so lovely and is just starting so go check her out!

Do you have a middle name?
No actually, but I have a double barreled first name, so i'm actually Amie-Louise, but I only get called the full version if i'm in trouble!

Favourite subject in school?
I loved English, which is part of the parcel of loving writing haha! But I also loved Geography, I was surprisingly really good at it too, it was so interesting, I think at one point I even wanted to be a meteorologist to study things like hurricanes as they're so intriguing, but I don't think I'm brave enough to go hunting for them!

Favourite drink?
Well being British I drink plenty of tea, stereotype I know, but I also love love love Fanta, especially with ice in the summer, mmm...
I also love the chocolate chip frappes from McDonald's, although they're so unhealthy, they're so good!

Favourite song at the minute?
Got to be Little Mix - Black Magic, its so fresh and catchy, it comes on the radio you have to sing along its basically the law...

Names of my children?
Never really thought about it, although I love the names Hannah, Sophie and Alfie, so perhaps they would come into play when I consider having babies, although it's a while off yet!

Do I play any sports?
I go swimming quite a bit, but that's about all I can do until after my surgery.

Favourite book?
I have quite a few, I think my all time favourite would be Hetty Feather by Jacqueline Wilson, I read that a few year back and cried my eyes out, as well as buying every sequel book after it. I loved it, definitely worth the read no matter your age!

Favourite colour?
Got to be purple, although i'm really into that teal/turquoise colour lately and pastel colours, that's the theme colours of my new room for university in September, I've decided!

Favourite animal?
Oooo I don't know I love so many! I love dogs the most, definitely a dog person instead of a cat person.

Favourite perfume?
My favourite perfume will always be Justin Bieber's Someday, it's crazy the amount of bottles I've used up of that, it smells like flowers and heaven.

Favourite holiday season?
Christmas. It's the time everyone comes to together and everyone gets into high spirits, it's great! Also you get to decorate the house and I love any excuse to decorate and design :) 

Have I been out of the country?
I've been out of the country once to Belgium, that was on a school trip. It was so pretty we went at Christmas and all the Christmas markets were so beautiful. I'd love to go again in winter.

Have I graduated high school?
Yes, I left school 2 years ago - wow that's flew! I've also now finished Sixth Form college and am ready for University in September!

Do I know any other languages?
Nope... I learnt french in the first 3 years of secondary school but, I never carried it on, so, nope.

Do I have siblings?
Yes, I have a younger sister called Charlotte, there's a 3 and a half year different between us.

Favourite shop?
I mainly use New Look, I like their fittings they're accurate and you get student discount so it's all good! 

Favourite restaurant?
I do love a good cheeky Nandos!

Did I like school?
Actually yes, which may surprise you, but I loved school! Although I wouldn't choose to go back.

Favourite youtubers?
There's so many, I will list my top 7...
  1. Zoella (Zoe Sugg)
  2. Thatcherjoe (Joe Sugg)
  3. Pointlessblog (Alfie Deyes)
  4. SacconeJoly's (Jonathan & Anna & Emilia & Eduardo)
  5. Velvetgh0st (Gabby Lindley)
  6. Eve Bennett
  7. Laura Wales
Favourite movie?
So many..... so here is my top 3...
  1. Titanic
  2. Transformers
  3. Rocky 4 
A mix I know!

Favourite TV shows?
I don't really watch TV but I watch Netflix constantly so...
  1. Pretty Little Liars - I hate waiting 2 weeks for each episode now! SHOW US A!!
  2. Once Upon A Time - So interesting, I love seeing all the fairy tales come to life, yes i'm a big kid.
My phone?
I have the Iphone 5S in gold, and it's my baby.

How tall am I?
I am 5"8 approx.

Do I have any pets?
I have a gold fish, called Bruce :) 

Well I hope you liked this blog! 
I need some new ideas so please comment below and let me know which blogs you like!
Also remember to follow me, I need to pick a date each week to update, so I'll keep you updated for that on my Twitter (@Slackyyx) - give that a follow too!

Thanks a lot,


Feeling inspired!

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